- Dys = Difficulty Lexis = Words
- It is lifelong – you do not grow out of it.
- Dyslexic people have a bigger brain.
- It is highly genetic.
- Dyslexia is the most common learning disability.
- It affects both girls and boys evenly.
- It is not a lack of intelligence.
- People with dyslexia will have average to above average abilities in other areas.
- It is not responsive to standard reading instruction.
- It may include accompanying challenges – processing impairment, working memory issues, sensory motor difficulties, behavioural problems, ADHD (20 to 40% comorbidity), phonological awareness, auditory memory, finding the word when speaking, comprehension, expressing ideas, organisation, planning, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

Dyslexia can cause children to experience emotional and psychological hardships due to challenges they face in school.

- Why can’t I finish a test in time?
- I won’t say anything in class so I don’t look stupid because I feel dumb compared to others!
- I feel really nervous and anxious – especially thinking and being at school, tests and doing homework!
- Hopeless. Why can’t I do this and everyone else can?
- Angry and frustrated. Am I stupid?
- I am not lazy. In fact I am working harder than most!
- Please don’t make me read aloud to the class – its embarrassing!
- I am confused – why do the words just seem to scramble?
- Why is everything harder for me?
- I just don’t feel like I fit in 🙁
- Kids tease me, like they say it is easy. We can all do it, why can’t you?
- The teacher goes too quickly – I can’t copy the words on the teachers board in time but others can?
- Can I use audio books?
- Baby books – really? I do like reading but don’t make me read baby books!
- There is no quick fix for dyslexia or a magic cure.
- You do not need to wait until the age of 8 or older to be tested for dyslexia.
- You do not need to be assessed as having dyslexia in order to get intervention.
- Dyslexia is not due to a lack of effort or from being lazy or dumb.
- Using vision therapy is not a treatment that will help a student with dyslexia.
- Using tinted lenses is not a treatment for dyslexia.
- Dyslexia is not a developmental lag.
- Dyslexia is not a visual problem.
- Not all students with dyslexia reverse letters or numbers.
- So called treatment for dyslexia that share pictures of brains and testimonials, and make claims relating to neuroscience do not mean they are an effective approach or that they have any supported research.