Student # 1
A seven year old girl who at the end of year one was writing her stories in picture form as she did not have the skills or confidence to put words on paper. She is now reading with confidence, writing at home for pleasure and received a C grade in English. Her attitude towards school has improved and she has a go at any task with renewed confidence. She is now at the level of decoding multisyllabic words. When first assessed she had a spelling age of 6.8 years and improved by 2.4 years. Her reading age started at 6.9 years and finished at 8 years an improvement of 1.3 years. In just seven months of tutoring that’s a massive improvement.
Student # 2
A six year old girl that had no understanding at all of what you had to do to read. She looked at any word as a whole and if she couldn’t recognise it from its shape then she couldn’t/wouldn’t read it. She had no strategies in place at all to work out a word – she did not even know how to sound a word out. She has now not only mastered new skills in decoding and is able to sound out unknown words but can read books with pictures covered with the necessary comprehension. Her spelling age went from below six years and improved by nine months in just four short months of tutoring. She has learned the skills of decoding, blending, segmenting and the manipulation of sounds. All of which she needs to be an effective reader.
Student # 3
A ten year old girl with an intellectual disability and hearing loss that could only read CVC words very slowly and was purely guessing them from her visual memory and the pictures has learned new skills; to decode unfamiliar words, is not reliant on pictures to guess, has become a more fluent reader and is now reading and writing at home for pleasure. In the car on the way to school on the last day of the year she read Green Eggs and Ham to her mum. Her words were ‘It is all thanks to Mrs Broad’. She was reading for enjoyment and because she could.
Student # 4
A seven year old boy with no diagnosed learning difficulty and not thought to have one, but a child who had missed a lot of the basics due to illness and subsequent school absences. He started with a reading age of 6 years & 9 months and a spelling age of 6 – 6.3years and in 6 months of tutoring increased by 6 months reading age and 1.9 years spelling age. The improvement in his confidence has skyrocketed. He now has the skills to tackle an unknown word. He has gained an understanding of the English code and how it works.
Student # 1
A seven year old girl who at the end of year one was writing her stories in picture form as she did not have the skills or confidence to put words on paper. She is now reading with confidence, writing at home for pleasure and received a C grade in English. Her attitude towards school has improved and she has a go at any task with renewed confidence. She is now at the level of decoding multisyllabic words. When first assessed she had a spelling age of 6.8 years and improved by 2.4 years. Her reading age started at 6.9 years and finished at 8 years an improvement of 1.3 years. In just seven months of tutoring that’s a massive improvement.
Student # 2
A six year old girl that had no understanding at all of what you had to do to read. She looked at any word as a whole and if she couldn’t recognise it from its shape then she couldn’t/wouldn’t read it. She had no strategies in place at all to work out a word – she did not even know how to sound a word out. She has now not only mastered new skills in decoding and is able to sound out unknown words but can read books with pictures covered with the necessary comprehension. Her spelling age went from below six years and improved by nine months in just four short months of tutoring. She has learned the skills of decoding, blending, segmenting and the manipulation of sounds. All of which she needs to be an effective reader.
Student # 3
A ten year old girl with an intellectual disability and hearing loss that could only read CVC words very slowly and was purely guessing them from her visual memory and the pictures has learned new skills; to decode unfamiliar words, is not reliant on pictures to guess, has become a more fluent reader and is now reading and writing at home for pleasure. In the car on the way to school on the last day of the year she read Green Eggs and Ham to her mum. Her words were ‘It is all thanks to Mrs Broad’. She was reading for enjoyment and because she could.
Student # 4
A seven year old boy with no diagnosed learning difficulty and not thought to have one, but a child who had missed a lot of the basics due to illness and subsequent school absences. He started with a reading age of 6 years & 9 months and a spelling age of 6 – 6.3years and in 6 months of tutoring increased by 6 months reading age and 1.9 years spelling age. The improvement in his confidence has skyrocketed. He now has the skills to tackle an unknown word. He has gained an understanding of the English code and how it works.
D. Dixon

My son has been attending tutoring with Ashleigh Broad for the past year as he was having difficulties in reading and writing.
Some topics and concepts were (and are) very difficult for him to understand. Ashleigh showed him patience (which was very important for his self-confidence) and was able to reinforce, encourage and reassure him of his progress. Ashleigh acknowledged not only his results, but more importantly his attempts.
Ashleigh was always willing to give up her time if we could not make it on a certain day, and was willing to show and demonstrate her resources to assist with challenges my son was having in language. Being that my son is dyslexic, I was thrilled that she was able to support and complement the essential skills and learning styles promoted by SPELD.
A & A. Hortsman

When our son was diagnosed with dyslexia, we sought to find the best possible support for him. Accessing Geraldton Tutoring Services has been a complete ‘game changer’ for both our son and daughter. Not only does Ashleigh Broad cater for their specific learning difficulties, but also takes into account their individual personalities, strengths and interests.
We have seen our children’s confidence soar, as they work with Ashleigh Broad and we could not be more thankful. We would highly recommend Geraldton Tutoring Services.
R. De San Miguel

I have watched my daughter struggle with her school work, putting in so much effort but never seeming to reap the reward. Since attending Geraldton Tutoring Services she has had an amazing boost in both her confidence and enthusiasm for school. She absolutely loves her one on one sessions with Ashleigh Broad and counts down the days until she gets to go.
Ashleigh has been invaluable since receiving my daughters diagnosis of dyslexia. She has answered both mine and my daughters questions and her extensive knowledge has been greatly appreciated in alleviating any concerns my daughter has had. You will not find a more passionate, insightful, caring and knowledgeable educator/tutor. I would recommend Ashleigh Broad to anyone with a child struggling at school. It has been absolutely the best thing for my daughter and I can not thank Ashleigh enough for everything she has done.
T. Kirby

Alyssa was 7 years old when she started with Geraldton Tutoring Services, as she lacked the skills and confidence needed to fulfill the literacy requirements for her age group. Before starting tutoring she refused to try and read and when it came to writing she was so scared of getting it wrong that she would always opt to draw pictures instead. Within a few weeks of starting with Ashleigh Broad we could see her confidence start to grow, she was learning and understanding the basic foundations needed to be able to decode her words and was now wanting to read and write at home for pleasure. Not only have her grades improved at school but she now looks forward to going to the library and gets excited being able to choose chapter books as she knows that she has the tools to be able to read them.
I could not recommend Ashleigh Broad highly enough, we now have a little girl that loves to read and write and looks forward to going to school and her tutoring sessions every week.

T. Newnham

Despite doing all the “right” things, my 9 year old could not read. Tired of well meaning teachers & friends saying “Oh she’ll get there eventually” I desperately went in search of help and was recommended Geraldton Tutoring and the Sounds-Write program. I am amazed, not only at her new found reading ability but her new found confidence. Having the tools at her disposal to be able to work out sounds has made her realise that despite her “intellectual disability” tag, she’s not dumb and is taking on more challenges at home and in the classroom. Thank you so much.

My son has been attending tutoring with Ashleigh Broad for the past year as he was having difficulties in reading and writing.
Some topics and concepts were (and are) very difficult for him to understand. Ashleigh showed him patience (which was very important for his self-confidence) and was able to reinforce, encourage and reassure him of his progress. Ashleigh acknowledged not only his results, but more importantly his attempts.
Ashleigh was always willing to give up her time if we could not make it on a certain day, and was willing to show and demonstrate her resources to assist with challenges my son was having in language. Being that my son is dyslexic, I was thrilled that she was able to support and complement the essential skills and learning styles promoted by SPELD.
D. Dixon

When our son was diagnosed with dyslexia, we sought to find the best possible support for him. Accessing Geraldton Tutoring Services has been a complete ‘game changer’ for both our son and daughter. Not only does Ashleigh Broad cater for their specific learning difficulties, but also takes into account their individual personalities, strengths and interests.
We have seen our children’s confidence soar, as they work with Ashleigh Broad and we could not be more thankful. We would highly recommend Geraldton Tutoring Services.
A & A. Hortsman

I have watched my daughter struggle with her school work, putting in so much effort but never seeming to reap the reward. Since attending Geraldton Tutoring Services she has had an amazing boost in both her confidence and enthusiasm for school. She absolutely loves her one on one sessions with Ashleigh Broad and counts down the days until she gets to go.
Ashleigh has been invaluable since receiving my daughters diagnosis of dyslexia. She has answered both mine and my daughters questions and her extensive knowledge has been greatly appreciated in alleviating any concerns my daughter has had. You will not find a more passionate, insightful, caring and knowledgeable educator/tutor. I would recommend Ashleigh Broad to anyone with a child struggling at school. It has been absolutely the best thing for my daughter and I can not thank Ashleigh enough for everything she has done.
R. De San Miguel

Despite doing all the “right” things, my 9 year old could not read. Tired of well meaning teachers & friends saying “Oh she’ll get there eventually” I desperately went in search of help and was recommended Geraldton Tutoring and the Sounds-Write program. I am amazed, not only at her new found reading ability but her new found confidence. Having the tools at her disposal to be able to work out sounds has made her realise that despite her “intellectual disability” tag, she’s not dumb and is taking on more challenges at home and in the classroom. Thank you so much.
T. Newnham

I could not recommend Ashleigh Broad highly enough, we now have a little girl that loves to read and write and looks forward to going to school and her tutoring sessions every week.
T. Kirby